Editor‘s Review
Smurf Magic Match is a mobile game that it’s mainly about smurfs. If you’ve watched smurfs since you were a kid, this game will bring all the good memories back to you with the plots from the cartoon. The game is quite simple and unfortunately, you won’t be playing as Smurfs instead you will be doing candy crash.
Let’s get to the details of this game. First, start the game is a quick tutorial on candy crush. In there, the game will tell you what to do like how to move three same items together to resolve it. Anyway, I would prefer candy crash more because it’s an all-time classic. This game will contain Smurfs moving on top of your screen so it’s pretty cute. Although I could have told what the game is from the title already, I thought it was more about smurfs instead of just candy crush.
The game looks pretty cheap and poorly designed which I think the developer could be done a lot more to make this game more enjoyable and playable. First, I think the developers can make the “candy crush” content different from candy crush. The game uses the moon or grapes as the main source of how you need to crash them into pieces. I don’t understand why they chose to use objects that have nothing to do with the Smurfs for the main content of the game. They could choose to use something that appears on the cartoon show Smurf use or whatever. Instead, they chose to make those objects unrelated. Also, something I noticed about this game is that the bottom options of the game are also poorly designed somehow. They could make those helpful abilities relate to the game title which is the Smurfs. The background audio is pretty chill and I like which makes me feel like I’m in the middle of the Smurf kingdom. There are some dialogues that you will be able to see in the game from Smurfs to Smurfs. This feature is quite adorable to see because it’s always nice to see those conversations they have just like in the cartoon.
Anyway, this game has too many flaws and the background is just a house. They could have done a lot more to get players to embrace the game environment. The game also has ads that make me insane. Sometimes I wonder why would game companies put that many ads for people to see in a mobile video game. For me, it’s just I enjoy the game experience the most while not being disturbed by outside factors.
You can download this game on either IOS or an Android device and the downloadable content of the game is not that large. This is excellent news for someone who doesn’t have that much storage on their phone, like me. I would recommend this game to Smurf fans or someone who wants to get nostalgic feelings for the past. This game is simple and straight forward but there isn’t a lot to play on there. The game has limited content and you will easily get bored with the same patterns of missions from time to time. So be advised on how much time you want to spend on this game. This game is not that popular, so you probably won’t be able to share your game experience with someone.
If you never played candy crash types of games, this game is not for you. I would recommend you to try candy crash first and then delve in and see what types exactly you like. There is a lot to see!
By Eric | Copyright © Character100 - All Rights Reserved

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