Editor‘s Review
Smurf village is a great game that you will be able to do a lot in it. I love the game and I would recommend you play it, especially if you are a Smurf fan. The game will direct you into the world of Smurfs and you will be experiencing what it’s like to live in a village with all of them. You will also be able to build up the village and make sure everything is working properly as well! I’ve always wondered what it’s gonna be like if I live in their village and this game makes the dream come true.
You will be entering the game with dialogues between Smurfs which is great to see! The storyline and conversations in between make this game much more appealing than it already is. When I saw all those lines for the first time, my brain suddenly took me back to so many years ago while watching Smurfs on TV. Those are some good old times that are precious. In the game, you will have a little village to either plant things or make some decorations and you will be able to upgrade your way to higher levels while the game grants you XP for your upgrade. I love how the graphics look because these types of cartoonish feelings are hard-core. Anyway, one thing that you might want to pay attention to in the game is that the interface or the general menu can be a little tricky and overwhelming at the beginning but you will get the hang of it quickly when you get familiar with the game.
One of the best features of the game is the background art that looks exactly like the real cartoon shown on TV. I love those paintings and little houses and different Smurfs while the game leads me to their cause of upgrading levels. It’s so well drawn and I just love it so much! You will be able to use your money to build different things like bakeries or whatever you would like as you get higher and higher through levels. You will have the chance to collect those valuable plants that you spend hours of work on. This feels like one of the oldest farm experiences in my childhood because you will be able to plant and collect just like real farmers do. Smurfberries is also something that the developers spent time on and it’s mainly for you to use it to speed up either construction or something else and it’s totally up for you to use it! Those types of ideologies and new designs make the game famous across the globe with a large player base. Although this game is sort of old compared to modern-day games, people still enjoy this game as much as they used to. The background music is happy and welcoming so you don’t have to mute your cell phone like when you do for the rest of the mobile video games. The game has a lot of words in the dialogues so if you are not in a big rush, it’s always nice to read those things carefully.
You can also choose to expand your territories and make your Smurf kingdoms larger and more developed if you invest a lot of time in this game. Also, those small mini-games in the game are all great! I love those mini-games although they might look old and naive it’s still always fun to play those while you get a chance! I would recommend this game to all generations and this is just an amazing game that will fulfill all your wishes!
By Eric | Copyright © Character100 - All Rights Reserved

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